Specific Issue If a problem with any part or parts of your building arises, your first port of call should always be your builder. If the builder is not initially willing to attend to the issue, an independent defect inspection and report is a good way of properly identifying the issue. | The site inspection for a specific issue defect report includes a detailed analysis and investigation into the issue. The consultant uses his extensive building knowledge to pinpoint the most likely cause or causes of the problem and then, if necessary will conduct various forms of non-invasive testing to further consolidate his position. Types of non-invasive testing that may be undertaken vary from basic measuring and spirit level testing, testing operation of doors, windows, plumbing fixtures etc, testing tiles for drumminess, various forms of water testing (such as flood testing or rain simulation), hot water temperature testing, safety glass testing, moisture meter testing, gas level testing or crack width analysis. The defect report will provide detailed commentary on the observations made on site, the types of non - invasive testing undertaken, the results of the testing, the proven or most likely cause of the issue, and whether the issue is considered to be a defect when compared to the respective performance criteria. In addition, detailed photographs of any notable observation and testing are included for ease of reference. If the defect report identifies that the issue or issues would ordinarily be the responsibility of the builder, you can then make an informed decision on whether or not to pursue the matter further. A comprehensive defect report from a suitably qualified and well regarded building consultant can often be the difference between a builder taking your issue seriously or making excuses as to why it is not his responsibility. On the other hand, if the issue is determined to be one that the builder is not responsible for, either because it is determined to be not in relation to his workmanship, or if it is outside of the usual timeframes for builders warranty or statutory warranties, we can provide advice and /or detailed scopes of work and estimates based on current industry pricing to assist with resolution of the issue (see scope and estimate section). | MODULE | faq / accordian - read moreInstructions: Please add text or images inside table. Add the title caption text above the read more text, then add the hidden text in the cell below. You can also add a module inside another module but only up to 1 layer deep. Images will be full width of frame. On smaller screens 2 columns will become 1 with the right cell on each row stacking below the left. Add as many rows as necessary. | Entire Building There are a number of circumstances where a defect report of the entire building may be warranted. An overall defect report provides details on any defects identified during a complete internal and external inspection of the building. | The most common times for an overall defect report to be commissioned is just prior to the expiry of the relevant warranty periods in relation to the dwelling. At the six month period after practical completion (often referred to as the defects liability period), builders usually request a list of items that the owner considers are requiring rectification. Most builders are happy to return to site and rectify minor or 'settling in' defects at this point. To ensure that all relevant items are brought to the builder's attention, a comprehensive overall defect inspection is recommended. Many people do not realise that the statutory warranty period for building works is far greater than the builder's six month window. In NSW, the statutory warranty period is two years from practical completion for minor defects and six years for major defects. It may be a good idea to engage the services of a building consultant to perform an overall defect inspection prior to the expiration of these time frames, particularly if there are some aspects of the building that you are unsure about. Other times when an overall defect report may be commissioned are when a knowledge of the overall condition of the building is required such as when deciding whether to renovate v rebuild, as a valuation tool prior to putting your house on the market, or when a number of seemingly minor problems give you cause to start questioning the overall quality of a build. The site inspection for an overall defect report includes a visual inspection of all accessible areas of the interior and exterior of the dwelling. As with the specific issue defect report, the consultant uses his extensive building knowledge to identify any problems and then, if necessary will conduct various forms of non-invasive testing to further consolidate his position. The report will provide details of any defects identified on site, and the basis for the determination when compared to the respective performance criteria of the codes, standards, tolerances and manufacturers literature. As per the specific issue version explained above, detailed photographs of any notable observation are included for ease of reference. | MODULE | faq / accordian - read moreInstructions: Please add text or images inside table. Add the title caption text above the read more text, then add the hidden text in the cell below. You can also add a module inside another module but only up to 1 layer deep. Images will be full width of frame. On smaller screens 2 columns will become 1 with the right cell on each row stacking below the left. Add as many rows as necessary. | Add scope &/or estimate In addition to either of the two versions of defect reports noted above, GM Building Consultants can provide detailed scopes of work and cost estimates for the rectification of any defects identified. | This is particularly useful when there is no builder in the picture, (such as outside of the warranty periods) and a definitive way forward is required to ensure that the contractor or contractors engaged to perform repairs are effective and efficient. | MODULE | faq / accordian - read moreInstructions: Please add text or images inside table. Add the title caption text above the read more text, then add the hidden text in the cell below. You can also add a module inside another module but only up to 1 layer deep. Images will be full width of frame. On smaller screens 2 columns will become 1 with the right cell on each row stacking below the left. Add as many rows as necessary. |